Police Services Board - Why does it exist? Why would a Councillor resign from the OPS? | Unpublished

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Ottawa, Ontario
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Former candidate for Rideau-Rockcliffe
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Police Services Board - Why does it exist? Why would a Councillor resign from the OPS?

September 15, 2023

You can't have it both ways: Run for council and serve, or not.  But if you do run and win, take  office, and do the job you were elected to do... 

Section 31 of the Police Services Act sets out the responsibilities boards must fulfill on behalf of the residents of their municipality. 

The primary role of the board is to establish, after consultation with the Chief of Police, the overall objectives and priorities for the provision of police services and the safety and security of citizens. Some of its other key responsibilities include:

  • Recruiting and appointing the Chief of Police and Deputy Chiefs of Police;
  • Annually assessing the Chief's performance;
  • Approving annual operating and capital budgets for the Police Service;
  • Establishing policies and by-laws for the effective management of the police service;
  • Preparing a business plan for the Police Service every three years;

The Board cannot direct the Chief with respect to specific operational decisions or day-to-day operations of the Service. The Chief of Police is responsible for administering the Police Service and overseeing its operation in accordance with the objectives, priorities and policies established by the Board.

Every municipality in Ontario with its own police service must have a civilian board to govern that police service.  Police services boards are independent bodies established by provincial legislation called the Police Services Act.  The boards represent community interests and are accountable to the Ministry of Community Safety & Correctional Services, and the Ontario Civilian Police Commission located in Toronto.

Who are the members of the Police Services Board?

The Ottawa Police Services Board (PSB) has seven members: Three members of City Council, three citizens appointed by the province as community representatives, and one citizen appointed by City Council as a community representative. 



October 27, 2023
Peter Karwacki

As of October 27th 138 disagree to 5 agree

Which I find astounding. Definitely a nerve was hit.

What exactly do they disagree with?

OPS is a mess, sure but you cannot say you are really proud of what you "accomplished" on ops one minute and then defend your quitting the job the next.
