Readout: Hon. Michael Chong, Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs, Testifies before the Congressional-Executive Commission on China | Unpublished

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Readout: Hon. Michael Chong, Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs, Testifies before the Congressional-Executive Commission on China

September 12, 2023
Michael Chong testifies at the US Congress on foreign interference. September 12, 2023 c/o

This press release was issued from Conservative MP Michael Chong's office earlier today after his testimony to the US Congress on foreign interference. 



Washington, D.C.—On September 12, 2023, the Hon. Michael Chong, Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs, testified before the Congressional-Executive Commission on China. In his testimony Mr. Chong highlighted several items, including:

  • The danger that foreign interference poses to the approximate 1.7 million Canadians of Chinese descent living in Canada and to other diaspora groups including Tibetans and Uyghurs in Canada, the danger to the basic democratic rights of all Canadians, and the importance of working with allies to protect diaspora groups being targeted by Beijing;
  • The various foreign interference tactics that Beijing has used on Canadians over the past several years and the increase of their successive foreign interference attempts;
  • That the method of response to Beijing’s foreign interference threat activities must be multi-faceted, and must include transparency to ward off potential threats and restore confidence in our democratic institutions;

Mr. Chong’s testimony illustrated the seriousness of foreign interference in Canada, and the need for stronger defence and security partnerships with the United States and other democratic allies around the world. Conservatives are ready to protect Canadian democracy and preserve our fundamental freedoms, human rights and the rule of law.

