Mandatory Vaccinations for Healthcare Workers | Unpublished

Mandatory Vaccinations for Healthcare Workers

Mandatory vaccinations for healthcare workers

Mandatory Vaccinations for Healthcare Workers

Posted on November 13, 2021

Canadians continue to roll up their sleeves for the Covid-19 vaccine. Booster shots are now available for the those who qualify, and children 5-11 years old will soon be getting inoculated.

So, it’s a bit of a head scratcher why Ontario and Quebec have reversed their decision on mandatory vaccines for health care workers. They will no longer be required to be vaccinated to continue to work in a health care setting. Will this lead to a rise in infections?

Remember when the pandemic set in and turned health care upside down? Then do you recall when a vaccine was approved, and the health care sector was at the front of the line to get it? Many were relieved to be vaccinated to protect themselves, their families and their patients.

Ontario and Quebec both pledged to make those vaccines mandatory for healthcare workers, but they have reversed course, citing concern about losing those healthcare professionals and the impact it would have on the healthcare system. Not only have they had to deal with a pandemic, but it has pushed back treatments and other surgeries. That is what those provinces consider “real world” evidence.

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