Who will make the best Liberal leader? | Unpublished

Liberal Party Leadership Race

Who will make the best Liberal leader?

Posted on February 20, 2025

Five horses in the race to take the reins of the federal Liberal party. Who would want it? Who will win?  Karina Gould, Ruby Dhalla, Frank Baylis, Christia Freeland and Mark Carney have all made the initial payment of $125,000 or the $350,000 total to enter the race.

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March 8, 2025

I voted: CarneyCarney! As someone who has done a lot of research on Donald, and have studied his psychological and behavioural traits, Carney looks like the best to go up against him that we could even dream for. The way to win against him, is to know what cards the table has. Even if you don't have the best cards, if you know what the other person will play, you can win. You do that by not showing your cards to them - or warning what you will do. We have resources that are highly integrated into their business and daily lives. That's our leverage, we need him to think he can't live without it. Carney seems to get that, which is why instead of publicly saying what he will do with trump, he's focusing on diversifying and doing business with the EU and from coast to coast. Doesn't show our cards, but makes trump feel like he's missing out on what we have. It's brilliant.

Plus if you read his book, he is very intelligent, understands the world dynamics and how it impacts us at home, and is an actual human being and not a three word slogan robot. He will be great.

February 17, 2025

I voted: CarneyMark Carney is the most qualified candidate to be Prime Minister let alone Liberal Party leader. No one matches his skill or experience on the world stage. We need a real economist who can sell Canada to the world right now. Mr. Carney is that person in my opinion.

February 22, 2025

I’d also add that Ms. Dhalla has been disqualified from the Liberal leadership contest. This happened after this show and audience poll was produced. 

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