What kind of change do Canadians want? | Unpublished

Change Canadiana

What kind of change do Canadians want?

Posted on May 4, 2024

Change, change, change. We all want change. Talk to any pollster in Canada and that is the pervading theme across the country. It’s strange because human nature doesn’t like change. Yet, Canadians are clamouring for it. But what kind of change do Canadians want?

Our Unpublished Vote question this week asks:

What kind of change do you want to see most?

A. Change in Liberal Party leadership

B. Change of government

C. Cabinet Shuffle

D. Electoral Reform

E. Other

F. No change

Share your opinion on this topic by voting in our audience poll. Don't forget comment and email your MP using our tool to tell them why you think what you do. 

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See how other Canadians are voting


May 12, 2024

I voted: Change of governmentThe largest difference I want to see is all Corruption to be investigated, punished and stopped. We need to get Lobbyists banned from Political access as well as Foreign Entities that have control of Canadian Financial and Foreign Policy decisions.

May 7, 2024

I voted: Electoral ReformIt's time to update our archaic First Past the Post election system and replace it with Ranked Choice Voting! AND switch to Proportional Representation as well.

Canadians want the opportunity to vote for who they REALLY want to win the election, while ranking their other choices in order of preferance.

Canadians also want representation that reflects their votes after every election. Proportional Representation is the way to do this.

More and more Canadians are not satisfied with our current election systems and the outcomes of elections.

Will YOU support Electoral Reform???

ps - I will NOT vote for ANY candidate that does NOT support Electoral Reform!

May 7, 2024

Will you consider the Liberals if it’s in their platform. even though Trudeau reneged on his promise in 2015? 

May 6, 2024

I voted: Change of governmentThis government is dedicated to destroying us on behalf of the WEF and their insane plans for humanity

May 7, 2024

The anti-WEF argument is 100% conspiracy theory. It’s total bs. Canada would be a third world nation without international trade. This is the argument that will lose PP the next election. Especially if Msrk Carney becomes the next Liberal Party leader. 

May 6, 2024

I voted: Electoral ReformChange from First-Past-The-Post to a Proportional system for Federal and Provincial elections.

May 6, 2024

I voted: Electoral ReformI simply cannot see any meaningful changes to our failed systems without electoral reform with proportional representation being implemented.

May 6, 2024

I voted: Electoral ReformMaking every vote count is the single most important change we need.

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