Canada | Page 5 | Unpublished


Letters For This Tag

Man holding sign that says: I have a job but still need Basic Income
Man holding sign that says: I have a job but still need Basic Income
I wish to respond to the recent article on a Universal Basic Income by James O'Grady. It may not be clear to all readers what is meant by the acronym "UBI",... more
February 4, 2024
Indigenous Journalist Arrested While Covering a Police Raid
Indigenous Journalist Arrested While Covering a Police Raid
On January 10, Indigenous journalist Brandi Morin was arrested by Edmonton police in broad daylight while covering a police raid on an encampment.  Morin did... more
January 30, 2024
Man holding up sign that reads: I have a job but still Basic Income
Man holding up sign that reads: I have a job but still Basic Income
I can only classify an article that appeared in the National Post last week about the potential for the Liberals to bring forward a Universal Basic Income (UBI... more
January 27, 2024
I feel that all the ‘year ender’ interviews and reviews sound exactly like what we’ve been watching and listening to for the entire the year.  So much so that... more
January 27, 2024
Human arms and hands with human rights slogans written on them: Freedom, Peace, Dignity, Rule of law, Prosperity
Human arms and hands with human rights slogans written on them: Freedom, Peace, Dignity, Rule of law, Prosperity
How can the Nazis’ fanatical hatred of the Jews be explained? Answering the question, Italian scientist, writer and Holocaust survivor Primo Levi said, “... more
January 23, 2024
Canada's Republican Shift to the Extreme Right
Canada's Republican Shift to the Extreme Right
The “fascist shift”, as described by author Naomi Wolf in The End Of America/ Letter Of Warning To A Young Patriot, is accelerating in Canada with the tabling... more
April 29, 2015
Graphic by Broadbent Institute
Graphic by Broadbent Institute
For those who have similar visions about Canada and  its need to become more inclusive, Ed Broadbent stated:  “There are four particular points on why I think... more
By mcklee
January 12, 2024
Newspaper boxes
Newspaper boxes
Canadian Heritage Minister Pascale St-Onge’s deal with Google on Bill C-18 for an annual $100 million contribution has sparked some unsurprising crowing from... more
November 30, 2023
Unsplash photograph of a pig on a Canadian farm by Jo-Anne McArthur
Unsplash photograph of a pig on a Canadian farm by Jo-Anne McArthur
Thank you for your message regarding Bill C-275, An Act to amend the Health of Animals Act (biosecurity on farms), brought forward by the Conservative Critic... more
November 3, 2023
We note with great sadness the closing of the Domtar Espanola mill by Domtar's new owner, Paper Excellence. PE manages an area of Canadian boreal forest four... more
By Guy
November 2, 2023
pigs in a cage
pigs in a cage
Good afternoon, Thank you for copying me on your excellent letter about Bill C-275. I truly agree. This bill is redundant in its current form, and it infringes... more
October 18, 2023
Zexi Li and Victoria De La Ronde testimony c/o CTV News-Vancouver
Zexi Li and Victoria De La Ronde testimony c/o CTV News-Vancouver
Xexi Lee, a very brave young citizen put her name forward as the figurehead of the court injunction to stop trucker convoy horn honking. It must be remembered... more
October 17, 2023
Artificial Intelligence c/o
Artificial Intelligence c/o
New AI technologies are one of the top stories this year, and that’s led to AI regulation being carelessly shoehorned into Privacy Bill C-27. The problem with... more
October 13, 2023
Orange t-shirt hanging in cedar trees; ​Photo by Aedrian on Unsplash
Orange t-shirt hanging in cedar trees; ​Photo by Aedrian on Unsplash
Photo by Aedrian on Unsplash Tomorrow is the third National Day for Truth and Reconciliation and in the Ottawa Citizen I offered some reflections on the ways... more
September 29, 2023
Nobody would have believed that there was an agency of the USA government that was selling armaments to the Iranians in exchange for money that would be used... more
September 28, 2023