Law | Unpublished


Letters For This Tag

cell phone and computer key board
cell phone and computer key board
Canadians, The government has finally unveiled the long-awaited Online Harms Act, Bill C-63 – and it’s an extremely mixed bag, combining sensible protections... more
March 11, 2024
Green Party of Ontario leader Mike Schreiner
Green Party of Ontario leader Mike Schreiner
“Government appointments should be based on merit – not on whoever happens to have recently completed a stint in the Premier’s office. For years, the Ford... more
February 23, 2024
OTTAWA – Today, Democracy Watch released the records disclosed by the RCMP that explain how its Access to Information and Privacy (ATIP) Branch sent a... more
February 15, 2024
Illustration of Donald Trump in court for his defamation trial
Illustration of Donald Trump in court for his defamation trial
Part of Donald J. Trump’s public persona is to behave like a pouting tween. This trait was on display Tuesday night after the New Hampshire primary results... more
January 27, 2024
Kiska the Killer Whale; Photo: Jo-Anne McArthur | We Animals Media
Kiska the Killer Whale; Photo: Jo-Anne McArthur | We Animals Media
Kiska was born in the ocean with her family, but was stolen from the waters of Iceland when she was only three years old, and forced into a miserable existence... more
March 25, 2023
Peter Biro: Beverley McLachlin following wrong principle by staying on Hong Kong court
Peter Biro: Beverley McLachlin following wrong principle by staying on Hong Kong court
Last July, Beverley McLachlin, former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada, agreed to renew her appointment as one of 14 part-time foreign judges on... more
April 5, 2022
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE OTTAWA - In its testimony this afternoon, Democracy Watch will call on the House of Commons Ethics Committee reviewing the federal Access... more
October 26, 2022
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Tuesday, June 14, 2022 OTTAWA – Today, Democracy Watch called on federal Commissioner of Lobbying Nancy Bélanger to stop trying to gut... more
June 16, 2022
Over the past several weeks, there have been several important privacy developments in Canada including troubling privacy practices at well-known organizations... more
June 14, 2022
Press Progress reported Friday that a political operative with links to a Doug Ford advisor spied on PC MPP Lisa Macleod in 2018, by “geo-fencing” her home... more
May 31, 2022
Dear Editor, I second your call for the reform of fundraising rules surrounding political contributions in Ontario, especially banning corporate and union... more
April 3, 2016