Liberal-NDP Cooperation Pact | Unpublished

Liberal-NDP Cooperation Pact

Liberal-NDP Cooperation Pact

Liberal-NDP Cooperation Pact

Posted on March 31, 2022

The whispers circling around Parliament became louder this week as the federal Liberals and NDP announced a "supply and confidence agreement", which could keep the Liberals in power until 2025. Will it last that long? 


The talks were off and on since January and really ramped up udring the Ottawa occupation by the so-called trucker convoy. The deal means the NDP will support the Liberals on a number of politics they mutually agree upon. Think dental care and pharmacare. It will also see the NDP support the Liberals on confidence votes like budgets. It could spare Canadians a trip to the ballot box for three years.


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September 1, 2023

I voted: NoI shake hand of Jagmeet Singh once on Chinese parade in Vancouver. I curse this day, until now.

September 22, 2022

I voted: NoNDP are traitors that turned Liberal. there is no NDP party.....

August 8, 2022

I voted: NoDavid
This Open Source participatory democratic page popped up in my feed. I believe the best explanation for the Singh-Trudeau entente is it is The Axis of Weasels. A minority of Canadians voted for the eventual holder of the most seats in Parliament, that is the way the system works. But this agreement undermines that public choice.

April 19, 2022

I voted: NoNo Comment.

April 9, 2022

I voted: NoI’m not supporting coalition Liberals and NDP

April 6, 2022

I voted: NoWe as Canadians want a snap election now or non confidence vote now against the primeminster this treason against Canadians and calling Canadians nazis is even worse we want conservatives back in control and this carbon tax gone and I’m polish Jew so this hurts even worse we don’t need a dictator

April 4, 2022

I voted: NoThis is purely a power grab by Trudeau ! He does not have Canadians interest in mind

April 4, 2022

I voted: YesNo choice, war, environment disasters, and no progressive alternative on the right.

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