Was the Emergencies Act required? | Unpublished

The Emergencies Act Inquiry

The Emergencies Act Inquiry

Was the Emergencies Act required?

Posted on November 7, 2022

The Emergencies Act Inquiry, which probes whether the federal government was able to utilize such powers to bring the Ottawa occupation to an end, has been running for about three weeks now with plenty more testimony to come.

From this vantage point the one thing that is very clear is that no level of government was competent in ending the occupation until the Act was finally implemented. A municipal government that was led by a questionable police force, a provincial government that sat on its hands and continues to do so. And a federal government with a front row view of the occupation that paralyzed the city for more than three weeks.

Through it all, the residents of Ottawa were tormented by the hundreds of truckers and thousands of protesters who initially came to demonstrate against vaccine mandates.

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May 5, 2023

I voted: YesThe Ottawa occupation was shameful. The participants in the occupation deserved to be seriously punished. As to Poilievre he had been my MPP and I have no intention to vote for him in any Federal election.

November 10, 2022

I voted: NoThis inquiry has shown me that the invocation of the emergencies act was a an act of tyrannical over reach by an authoritarian government hell bent to punish it's political opposition and resulting peaceful and legal protest of that governments segregationist experimental Covid 19 vaccine mandates.
I demand charges be laid and those found guilty of these crimes against humanity jailed for life as a danger to society.

November 9, 2022

I voted: NoThe enactment of the Emergency Act was the most serious overreach on the part of government to date. The opportunity for the federal government to continue destroying Canadians was taken ... done to set a precedent regarding the freezing of Canadians bank accounts. We as a people are sick and tired of the people we pay (whom incidentally never lost money and actually got a raise) to ignore the rights and freedoms of Canadians while you suck up to the Global Agenda. You are in the process of signing off a treaty with the WHO that allows THEM to determine not only what a pandemic is but how to enforce the rules they see fit without any recourse. Let's not forget the fake carbon money grab either. Make no mistake...this is TREASON. Does the Nuremberg trials come to mind yet????

November 9, 2022

I voted: Nothis was only a power grab by a corrupt prime minister

November 9, 2022

I voted: UnsureStop the insane taxes

November 9, 2022

I voted: YesI watched so much disrespect from Canadians ( Hard to tell with Trump flags there) in Ottawa, by despicable yahoos as the Mayor referred to them. I was cheering when the Police horses came in clean up the bullshit. Disgraceful time to be a Canadian. As bad as Jan 6 in the USA

November 8, 2022

I voted: YesThe incompetence of the various levels of government in Ontario--especially Doug Ford who evidence shows was colluding with the belligerents for political reasons--to end the chaos, occupation, noise, blockades, attacks against and torment of Ottawa residents, the violations of civil rights of residents and the ongoing belligerence of anti-government "organizers" with calls for gun violence and attacks on the prime minister required another tool to end this what I would call criminal harrassment of Ottawa residents, and with the lack of will by various police departments left nothing else but the emergencies act to shut it down.

What these ideologically driven convoy people did was not a protest when they occupied the city with their vehicles, especially semi trucks, and took their hateful fight to Ottawa residents to harrass, intimidate and threaten them was a form of violence and bullying that went on and on day after day while organizers shouted to each other to "hold the line", meaning "don't stop the harrassment". It was not peaceful. It was not a protest. The crocodile tears of white privilege can't convince otherwise.

November 8, 2022

I voted: YesWhen restricting movement of other Canadians by your blockades that is illegal.

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