Will Canadians go the polls in 2024? | Unpublished
Friday, March 14, 2025

Will Canadians go to the polls in 2024

Will Canadians go the polls in 2024?

Posted on January 20, 2024

Will Canadians be going to the polls federally in 2024? Will the Grits or even the NDP have a leadership change? Can Canada tackle affordability housing shortages? South of the border, what can we expect in November?

So many questions. But by far the biggest one is whether or not Canadians will go the polls in 2024?

We ask in our Unpublished Vote question this month: “Do you expect a Canadian federal election in 2024?

Listen/Watch the podcast, read the articles and then cast your vote on this topic. and don’t forget to email your MP afterwards using our tool, to them why you think what you do.

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See how other Canadians are voting


March 4, 2024

I voted: NoThe Supply and Confidence Agreement seems to be in the process of being met. Therefore, if both sides are meeting their agreement, this session of Parliament should continue until expiry of the agreement, if not longer. Whatever "Mr.P.P." and far right wing "RepubliCONservatives" think is of no consequence unless and until an election writ is actually dropped.

February 25, 2024

I voted: Yesimmigration policy
carbon tax
reckless spending bankrupting country
out of control pm no respect for others
dictator pm promoting communism

January 29, 2024

I voted: NoI don't think it will happen until 2025. Why take a chance to lose power before time? I don't think Justin is brave enough to call it early.

January 29, 2024

I voted: NoI am not sure the Liberals are prepared quite yet to do a leadership review, and until they sort that out, they will bend to the NDP wishes to table the dental and pharmacies bills to ensure that they get more votes from families. I still think a new leader is the only way the Liberals can recover their popularity and take the wind out of Poilievre’s sails. I am hoping that Mark Carney will be considered, because he has the respect of the international community which would be required to keep Canada from being a weak country.

January 25, 2024

I voted: Yesi will be voting pc cause trudeau is a disgrace to democracy and im tired of the liberals calling people names cause they were in support of the freedom convoy 2022 and i like pierre Poilievre's plan and wish the party the best as opposition in the future i dont agree with wef affiliation of who dictating what we should do id say there should be severed ties to the woke nonsense and Klaus Schwab can kiss my patriotic canadian bacon in pierre we trust

January 23, 2024

I voted: UnsureI don't expect an election because Trudeau knows he's history and he is going to hang on as long as he can since Jagmeet will continue to prop him up. Trudeau is going to spend as much money and do as much damage to Canada as he can on his way out.

January 22, 2024

I voted: NoI don't see why Trudeau would call an election in 2024,knowing it might be his last chance as Prime Minister. He still has over 18 months to grind ordinary Canadians down so I'm sure he'll take advantage of that rather than see it blow up in his face.

January 22, 2024

I voted: NoThe Liberals will continue to hang on in the hopes that the Conservatives will implode and Jagmeet, presumably not a complete fool, will know he is also sunk so will continue to ride Trudeau's coattails as long as he can.

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