Environment | Unpublished


Letters For This Tag

Electricity Modernization = Economic Opportunity for People and Community Energy
Electricity Modernization = Economic Opportunity for People and Community Energy
The worldwide electricity system is facing change.  The problems we face today will not be solved by the solutions that created our present problems. Those... more
May 21, 2024
We The Power by Patagonia films
We The Power by Patagonia films
Come watch the Patagonia Film and join fellow friends, families and visionaries as they pave the way for a renewable-energy revolution to build healthier, more... more
May 12, 2024
Every scientific environmental indicator points to a continued warming of the planet for the foreseeable future and therefore the melting of the world’s... more
March 4, 2024
An Open Letter from Economists on Canadian Carbon Pricing
An Open Letter from Economists on Canadian Carbon Pricing
As economists from across Canada, we are concerned about the significant threats from climate change. We encourage governments to use economically sensible... more
March 28, 2024
picture of a globe being held up by young people with their hands meeting together
picture of a globe being held up by young people with their hands meeting together
What many people have wanted to hear and see for decades is finally coming to fruition - and that inspires HOPE. With the exception of the Montreal Protocol... more
December 24, 2023
Within my lifetime the human population has gone from a little over 2 billion souls in 1950 to a little over 8 Billion in 2024. We have been the dominant... more
January 15, 2024
Actions speak louder than words sign
Actions speak louder than words sign
We have just lived through the hottest year ever recorded in human history with devastating consequences. The sad part about this is that the consequences will... more
January 22, 2024
Canada's Parliament Hill
Canada's Parliament Hill
A growing school of psychologists believe the trauma of the climate crisis is a key barrier to change. You might think of it as being “like a deer caught in... more
November 14, 2023
A picture of planet earth on fire; c/o canyoustandthetruth.eu
A picture of planet earth on fire; c/o canyoustandthetruth.eu
The Roman Empire fell more than 1,500 years ago, but its grip on the popular imagination is still strong, as evidenced by a recent trend on TikTok. Women... more
November 2, 2023
Berkeley Earth Project logo
Berkeley Earth Project logo
The most responsible and independent scientific analysis that I could find on the subject of anthropogenic global warming is that of Richard Muller, a... more
September 10, 2013
Doug Ford, Premiere of Ontario
Doug Ford, Premiere of Ontario
Doug Ford’s folksy, buck a beer, open neck shirt, ‘we’re-all-just-folks-in-this-together’ approach to government isn’t working to rebrand his backdoor sale of... more
September 16, 2023
Parliament Hill in Ottawa
Parliament Hill in Ottawa
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Monday, August 21, 2023 OTTAWA – Today, Democracy Watch released the letter it sent last Thursday to the federal Ethics Commissioner’s... more
August 21, 2023
Illustration of a car running out of power in the middle of no where...
Illustration of a car running out of power in the middle of no where...
I recently rented a Tesla. The car was awesome, wonderful amenities, neck snapping aceleration but at the end of the day it had to be charged. That part was... more
August 25, 2023
Kiska the Killer Whale; Photo: Jo-Anne McArthur | We Animals Media
Kiska the Killer Whale; Photo: Jo-Anne McArthur | We Animals Media
Kiska was born in the ocean with her family, but was stolen from the waters of Iceland when she was only three years old, and forced into a miserable existence... more
March 25, 2023
Chief Allan Adam (left) from the Athabasca Fort Chipewyan First Nation chats with Grand Chief Serge Simon from the Mohawks of Kanesatake at a Special Chiefs Assembly in Gatineau, Que., on Dec. 8, 2016. Photo by Mike De Souza
Chief Allan Adam (left) from the Athabasca Fort Chipewyan First Nation chats with Grand Chief Serge Simon from the Mohawks of Kanesatake at a Special Chiefs Assembly in Gatineau, Que., on Dec. 8, 2016. Photo by Mike De Souza
Enough. It is time to do what Canada should have done decades ago and come down like a ton of bricks on oilsands companies that pollute our land and water.... more
March 11, 2023