Beijing Olympics: Should Canada Go? | Unpublished

Beijing Olympics: Should Canada Go?

Should Canada attend the Beijing Olympics?

Beijing Olympics: Should Canada Go?

Posted on January 14, 2022

It is the pinnacle of amateur sports. In less than one month, those athletes will be competing for their country in the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics. Considering Canada’s sour relationship with China, should this country be sending athletes?

The Winter Olympics come every 4 years, and with it comes Nations cheering on their athletes, who put everything on the line for the opportunity. Canada has joined the US, UK, Australia and New Zealand in a diplomatic boycott of the games. Athletes will still be able to compete but diplomats, like Canada’s Minister for Sport, will not be attending.

For more than two years, Canada—China relations were strained due to the “hostage diplomacy “ of the Two-Michaels after Huawei executive, Meng Wanzhou, was detained in Vancouver for the US.

China has responded to the threat of a boycott with the promise of retaliation. To make the situation even more complex, add in the Omicron variant spreading around the globe…

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January 29, 2022

I voted: NoNational Security.!!!!!!!!!!!

January 28, 2022

I voted: NoI think Canada should boycott the Olympics in China.

January 14, 2022

I voted: Unsure

This is a tough one. On the one hand I'd like to see Canada tell China to stick it, but on the other, the Olympics are always a lot of fun to watch and even more fun to participate in I imagine. But, I worry about China using the Olympics as cover to attack Taiwan like Russia did when it attacked the Crimea during the Sochi Winter Olympics. Can we stand by and wait for our athletes to return home before responding? I don't think so.

Anita M Payne
January 28, 2022

I voted "yes". The athletes should go. The politicians should not. The whole Olympic phenomenon needs to change so that politics is not involved. No country that has current human rights violations should be allowed to host the games. Make a permanant neutral sit for the games.

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