Should NATO put boots on the ground to defend Ukraine? | Page 2 | Unpublished

The Russian Invasion of Ukraine

The Russian Invasion of Ukraine

Should NATO put boots on the ground to defend Ukraine?

Posted on March 13, 2022

In the early morning of February 24th the world woke up to an invasion of Ukraine by Russia. Almost 200,000 Russian forces had been congregated along the Russian—Ukrainian border under the claim of “military training”. For some, it was a signal that an invasion was imminent. Where will it lead the world?

All apologies to those who thought the Cold War was over, but here we are. While Russia has the numbers and firepower, the Russian army is being held back by Ukraine. And, while Vladimir Putin watches from the Kremlin, Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has taken up arms with his forces, while still communicating with world leaders.

The scenes of destruction are devastating for those on the outside. NATO members have been offering assistance in the form of equipment but will not enforce a No-Fly Zone out of fear of escalating the conflict. 

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March 21, 2022

I voted: YesPlease help Ukraine to survive and save people lives from Russian onslaught.
Ukraine stands for all of us against the absolute evil. Our choice is not to fight or not but rather where to engage the enemy. Putin and Russia official are very clear that this is not a war against Ukraine, it is their war against NATO.

March 21, 2022

I voted: YesUkraine is just the first stop for Putin. He was publicly and unambiguously threatening NATO with or without its help to Ukraine. Last week on Russian Federal channel #1 (ORT) they openly discussed a plan how to start an assault on NATO with maps an details (in particular, they decided to start with Poland and Lithuania); you can find a recording of the program on the web with English subtitles. In the fall of 1938 Winston Churchill said: "We seem to be very near the bleak choice between War and Shame. My feeling is that we shall choose Shame, and then have War thrown in a little later on even more adverse terms than at present." This is exactly the same situation right now. And so far NATO countries are choosing shame. Do you really believe the development will be different?

March 21, 2022

I voted: YesMy answer is yes. We need to do all we can to support. From a Canadian who's about to join the CAF this month, nothing would make me more proud then to protect my ancestral homeland. We have some of the best troops in the world here.

March 20, 2022

I voted: YesRussia is now bringing in troops from Syria, and still, NATO is unwilling to do anything to defend the sovereignty of Ukraine. If the western world truly believes in defending freedom and democracy Ukraine needs us more now than ever, either close the skies or send in troops. Putin and he regime are war criminals.

March 19, 2022

I voted: YesIf Trump was in the Whitehouse there would be no war in Ukraine as Trump would have told Putin you cross into Ukraine and I will bomb every building in Moscow with an onion on it and he would have done it if Russia advanced into Ukraine.

March 20, 2022

Wishful thinking. The facts say otherwise unfortunately. More likely Ukraine wouldn't have received as much support as they have thus far from the US or NATO's European alies. 

March 17, 2022

I voted: YesMr Putin and Russia must not be in any part of Ukraine. Get our troops and planes involved right away

March 16, 2022

I voted: YesEverything must be done to let Russia know that the Free World is ready to go all the way in checking their aggression.

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