Should NATO put boots on the ground to defend Ukraine? | Page 3 | Unpublished

The Russian Invasion of Ukraine

The Russian Invasion of Ukraine

Should NATO put boots on the ground to defend Ukraine?

Posted on March 13, 2022

In the early morning of February 24th the world woke up to an invasion of Ukraine by Russia. Almost 200,000 Russian forces had been congregated along the Russian—Ukrainian border under the claim of “military training”. For some, it was a signal that an invasion was imminent. Where will it lead the world?

All apologies to those who thought the Cold War was over, but here we are. While Russia has the numbers and firepower, the Russian army is being held back by Ukraine. And, while Vladimir Putin watches from the Kremlin, Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has taken up arms with his forces, while still communicating with world leaders.

The scenes of destruction are devastating for those on the outside. NATO members have been offering assistance in the form of equipment but will not enforce a No-Fly Zone out of fear of escalating the conflict. 

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March 15, 2022

I voted: YesYes NATO should get involved ,this is not a war just between the UKraine and Russia,this is a war between Russia and the world, UKraine is now fighting for the freedom of everyone,don't let them fight alone.It's too late in years time ,to look back and say we should have done more when we had the opportunity.

March 14, 2022

I voted: YesWe waited too long when Germany invaded Poland and thought it would stop there. History repeating itself ?

March 14, 2022

Let's hope not. This time nuclear weapons are in play. Which is why I think we need to do more to slow Putin's advance and grind it to a halt. The further he gets now, the more emboldened he'll be. Ukraine needs to negotiate a ceasefire that includes succeeding some territory but obviously not the capital nor Odessa. The two cities Putin covets most. 

March 14, 2022

I voted: NoNato should not interfere this is the USA problem of meddling in bio labs and wanting to point missiles at Russia

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